A Powerful Mantra to Use Anytime

I always have a mantra or affirmation ready to use. It helps me become present with myself, but also transcends how I am feeling. In a previous post I shared 6 affirmations I rely on, but this mantra is my holy grail! I use it anytime and in any situation.

If you're in a challenging place right now, something is bothering you, someone has hurt you, something didn't go as you hoped, you're feeling pain, hopeless, hurt or just having a bad day, then this mantra is for you!

Watch the video below to know what this mantra is and how to use it:

Use this mantra on repeat daily if you're going through a tough time right now and want to anchor yourself. Let the power behind each word permeate your Being and remind you that all your power is here in the now.

Your turn, leave a comment below

  1. Tell me if you'll use this mantra and your thoughts

  2. Share with me a mantra or affirmation you use

p.s. Read my article for the Huffington Post on 7 Reasons Why the Way you Feel Depends on You