Dear Beloved Workbook: Love Letters to Yourself

Dear Beloved Workbook: Love Letters to Yourself


54 page digital and fillable workbook to help you have an empowering, supportive relationship with yourself, cultivate self-love and embrace your worth. This is an extensive workbook for an immersive experience in the practice of self-love and cultivating deep levels of true sight and clarity.

In November 2015, I was sat in meditation when an idea struck me, which was to write a love letter to myself. Intrigued and willing, I decided to take on a 30-day challenge of writing daily love letters to myself. Writing love letters to myself daily served as a practice of loving myself, but also greatly changed my perception of myself as it allowed me to know what was really going on in my inner world and how I felt about myself. You can read all my experiences of writing daily love letters to myself in this blog post and video here.

Inspired by that initial idea this workbook was born!

The workbook includes:

❂ 30 love letter prompts to help you understand yourself better, build a relationship with yourself and learn how to practice self-love

❂ A mini relationship with yourself quiz to help you get clear on where you are with yourself right now

❂ “About Me” section with questions to open and prepare you for the journey of this workbook

❂ The 6 tools of self-love that make loving yourself actionable with easy-to-do complementary exercises

❂ Self-love habits and how to create your own self-love habits

❂ Affirmations as a tool to work on your mindset

❂ Prompts and questions that get you into your feeling/heart/body

Bonus: 7 videos on topics such as depression, helplessness, empowerment, affirmations, childhood, true self vs. false self, and more!

Excerpt from the workbook:

Self-love means becoming familiar with what is adding value to you, what is helping you, what is supporting you and what is allowing you to feel and be your best self. It is a verb, a very active choice we make in each moment by asking ourselves this one simple question: Is this loving myself?

*digital download links expire within 24 hours of being sent; make sure to download once you get the email and save it.

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