I AM Meditation

I AM Meditation


This is a 19 minute guided meditation.

I AM is the name of God, the Universe, Source, Divine Love, whatever you call it. I AM is the most powerful statement we can make about ourselves. Our mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imagination. The words we say after I AM become the truth of who we are and the truth we live out as human beings.

As you repeat these powerful I AM statements you will begin to tap into your God presence. When we live with God-consciousness our lives begin to flow, happiness, love, peace, abundance and light are ours to reclaim.

This guided meditation will help you tap into your inner I AM Presence with 55 powerful I AM statements. Each statement is a pure reflection of our true identity as Spirit. This guided meditation is great to help you reprogram any limiting beliefs, feelings of unworthiness, reclaim your power, cultivate self-love and change your life from the inside out.

*digital download links expire within 24 hours of being sent; make sure to download once you get the email and save file.

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